Collibra jobs, vacatures

Fax: 02/263.21.59
Adres: Ransbeekstraat 230
Plaatsnaam: BRUSSEL
Regio: Brussel
Postcode: 1120

Collibra Collibra Home Features Partners Newsroom Contact us Data Governance Center Solutions Learning HOW TO BUY Menu Home Data Governance Center Solutions Learning About Collibra Collibra positioned as a LEADER In the Forrester Wave™: Data Governance Tools, Q2 2014 Download the report → DATA DRIVEN BUSINESS DRIVEN DATA End user friendly, process-driven Data Stewardship . Request a live demo Or sign up today → Trust your data Trust Your data Never before have businesses relied so much on high quality data for their day to day decision making, business processes, or regulatory reporting. Collibra focusses on automating data management processes by providing business-focused applications where collaboration and ease-of-use come first. Make use of the Collibra out of the box operating model and data governance workflows.

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